Disturbed Minds

Disturbed Minds

lunes, 29 de mayo de 2023

Some sort of brainstorming

So you are... writing again

This is not the kind of writing I used to do years ago, it´s a mere list of facts I upload in here, without the slightest clue of what´s the aim of doing this, but I guess it´s still different to doing nothing.

Fact: I tried to kill myself last year. I guess at that time I thought that putting up with 15 years of shit without some kind of treatment really wore me out and I just got tired. I wanted to take one fucking sellfish decision (and also I still believe I deserve it, like, I´ve got the right to do so) and I took a bunch of pills (honestly, I still can´t remember what they were, lots of memories from that night do not make sense) and I mixed them with booze and went to sleep hoping not to wake up the next morning (I remember leaving a note to a friend of mine just saying it wasn´t her fault, I didn´t want her to feel guilty). How did that turn out? I woke up 6hs later (yeah, only 6, JA).
Finally, here we are, writing about it after 16 months.

Thought: I´m not completely sure about leaving the country and still, I feel like I can´t stay. The detachment from all my things and friends (argentinian ones, I do have friends in Spain who are like my family) makes me think twice about leaving. Then  I realize what kind of country/society I´m currently living in and it´s kind of pretty awful (in so many fucking ways I won´t take the time to make a list). My question is, what if I´m not happy living there? What will I do? Is it like "justified" If after trying that (let´s pretend it doesn´t work) I finally top myself up? 
Now that I come to think about it, justified? Why does it need to be?

Fact: There are times in which you get too involved (emotionally) with what happens to people around you and it sucks! Of course I try to help but still, it´s like, you keep thinking about it for a long time and you get lost in a chain of thoughts that lead nowhere but to a downward spiral. There is no use writing about this because I will still help them so I guess that won´t change much.

Fact: I find it hard to ask for help. It doesn´t matter what the situation is, I don´t like depending on others to do anything. It feels awkward and it implies the need to trust on another person and that ain´t easy. Actually, it´s one of the things I find the hardest to do.  
Instead of accept the fact that I need help, I think of how to improve myself so I´ll be more independent and I won´t need it/them. As you can see, it has worked well

Fact: I find it easier to talk to people who I don´t know. There is no relationship, no love, no worries, no nothing. Why is it they all care so much? Yeah yeah, I know, I matter to them, but still, I can´t accept the thought that we are unable to live without someone else, wihtout that special person. I think we will all lose someone who we care about a lot and still, is there any other choice but to move on? 

I guess writing this is as close as I´ve got to dealing with all these issues. I hope it works as some sort of example of what NOT to do, so I will prevent other people from going through the same shit I´ve been through (going through?)

Last thought: I´m not planning to kill myself so don´t panic, but still, if someday, I dunno, many years from now, I actually do it. Just keep in mind I´ll have found some measure of peace. 

jueves, 25 de mayo de 2023

domingo, 7 de mayo de 2023

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2022

sábado, 26 de febrero de 2022

martes, 22 de febrero de 2022

 —Lo sé. Pero no soy lo suficientemente generoso. Ni lo suficientemente valiente. No sirvo para soldado ni para héroe. El miedo terrible al dolor, a la mutilación o a la muerte no es la única causa. No se puede obligar a un soldado a que deje de tener miedo, pero se le puede dotar de una motivación que le ayude a superar ese miedo. Y yo carezco de tal motivación. Ni la puedo tener. Soy brujo. Un mutante construido artificialmente. Mato monstruos. Por dinero. Protejo niños, si los padres me pagan. Si me paga una familia nilfgaardiana protegeré niños nilfgaardianos. E incluso si el mundo yaciera en ruinas, lo que no me parece muy probable, mataría monstruos sobre las ruinas del mundo hasta que algún monstruo me matara a mí. Este es mi destino, mi motivación, mi vida y mi relación con el mundo. Y no fui yo quien lo eligió. Lo hicieron por mí.

sábado, 15 de enero de 2022

jueves, 13 de enero de 2022

 Why is it why find it so hard to evoke a pleasant memory and yet we embrace chaos and suffering as an old friend?